Detachable Bell Conversions require knowledge and precision in order to make the perfect cut. We have done over 300 detachable bell conversions with 100% customer satisfaction. This kind of experiences lets  you know your horn is in good hands.

The Detachable Bell Conversion service takes your fixed bell horn and converts it to a horn with a detachable bell. The end result is a horn that can be placed in a more compact case for easier carriage and storage. Preferred among those who travel, it allows most horns to be used as a carry-on for flights, avoiding the potential of damage as a checked item.

Conversions include an Alexander/Lawson ring. We carry several sizes and make sure that we custom fit the perfect size for your instrument. This ring is the most commonly used in the market today. With an Alexander/Lawson ring you will have the most flexibility and options if you decide to change bells. 

Balu Musik Extras

While there are usual reasons for cutting a bell, at Balu Musik there are a few extras that come with our service. First, if you would like to combine services, we offer a 50% discount on ultra-sonic cleaning. If your horn has not been professionally cleaned in the last year this is the best time to do so.

Another extra is the release of tension from braces. When the tailpiece is reset Mr. Balu is adamant that all the braces be tension free and makes all adjustments necessary to achieve this goal. The result is improved resonance of your instrument. 

Finally, as horns age they often develop thin spots in the bell where our hands rest. If this describes your horn, during the ring placement, the flare of the bell can be rotated so you hand rests in a new area of the bell.

For all of these reason and more choose Balu Musik for your Detachable Bell Conversion!

Schedule your Detachable Bell Conversion Today by emailing: [email protected]

Service Fees

  • Detachable Bell Conversion: $750
  • Detachable Bell Conversion and Lacquer Removal Package: $850 (+$50 for Yamaha horns)
  • Balu To-Go Box: $217 includes packing materials and shipping to and from the store (full value up to $350)

Prices listed are an estimate for a double horn in good condition. Cost may vary depending upon type and condition of horn and will be confirmed before services are completed.

Visit the Detachable Bell Conversion Photo Gallery for more images of Mr. Balu’s work.

If you have any questions regarding the bell conversion process, please feel free to call (1.530.774.6871) or e-mail us: [email protected]

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